The cultured food I am talking about here does not contain salt …. cultured butter, creme fraiche, coconut kefir, cultured vegetables; all living foods made with probiotic starter*. NO salt. See more about that bit here. When you eat unsalted, cultured food, the probiotics in them will go into your gut/inner ecosystem and set up shop where […]
Soaking Whole Grains: A Traditional Recipe
Soaking Whole Grains: A Traditional Recipe Written by Tara Carpenter, NC. Serving customized cooking, consultations, and meal plans. Whole grains have been a principal food for thousands of years and are close to being a nutritionally complete food as they are rich in amino acids, carbohydrates, fiber, minerals, vitamins, and fat. This ancient food strengthens […]
Beans (i.e. lentils, kidney beans, peas, peanuts) are versatile, economical, and rich in B vitamins, minerals and omega fats. Unfortunately, they’re also high in anti-nutrients, including phytic acid* and lectins.** These anti-nutrients can reduce our
Proper Food Combining Tara Carpenter, NC. Holistic nutritional guidance and support (and meal plans!) for healing yeast, bacterial, and viral infections with The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.). Many of you know what a fan I am of food combining; something I learnt about on B.E.D to heal a systemic yeast infection that had traveled to my blood. […]
What is Macrobiotics?
“Macrobiotic eating is a beautifully balanced symphony of unprocessed, seasonal foods, prepared in a manner appropriate to your condition and lifestyle, period.” – Christina Pirello Macrobiotics is simply about living more naturally and in harmony with everything around us. It is the art of understanding the profound effects food and drink have our health and well-being, […]
The Role of Intestinal Villi Coating the inner wall of the small intestine are thousands of finger-like projections called villi. Just shy of 1 mm, these microscopic ‘nutrient sponges’ increase the surface area of the intestines 30-fold with a velvety texture, not unlike the
A Winter’s Solstice
Every year at the time of the winter solstice, I have felt a strong pull to anchor in, get quiet, be present and state a personal intention. The rest of the year alway feels shaped by this moment in time. In my own small way it is a chance for me to plant my own […]