autism Autism Friendly Body Ecology Support Coach easy-to-digest Fermented Cod Liver Oil Foods That Heal healing Health Conditions HG My Family Life Nutritional Consultations Probiotic food Teeth The Digestive System

How My Family Takes Fermented Cod Liver Oil (FCLO)

How My Family Takes Fermented Cod Liver Oil (FCLO) Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition Consultant for people regaining microbiome after yeast, bacterial, viral infections and healing with The Body Ecology Diet.  I am a Vermont group buyer for fermented cod liver oil to bring this wonderful supplement to your home at a reduced price. For product/price […]

B.E.D. The Body Ecology Diet Yeast infection

Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.)

Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition Consultant for people regaining natural gut microbiome after yeast, bacterial, viral infections with The Body Ecology Diet.  Originally published on December 31, 2017. Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D) is a foundational system of health and healing designed by Donna Gates to address yeast, bacterial, and viral overgrowth in the […]

Infection Pregnancy

GBS+ During Pregnancy

  The mom in this photo tested positive with group B strep* infection (GBS+) in her final trimester and received I.V. antibiotics during labor. Group b strep are a pathogenic bacterium that sporadically live in the rectum, intestines, urinary tract, and genital area of all pregnant and non-pregnant healthy people. These bacteria don’t typically cause problems […]

Pregnancy The Body Ecology Diet

Eating to Prevent GBS Infection in Pregnancy

One way to decrease the chance of group B strep infection (GBS+) during pregnancy is to build up your birth canal with good bacteria that naturally discourage excess GBS overgrowth. The best way to do this is to eat foods that do not ‘feed’ the bacteria and naturally prevent them from growing too large in […]

B.E.D. B.E.D. Support via phone or Skype Body Ecology Support Coach Cultured Foods Foods That Heal Health Conditions Home Remedies My Family Life Nutritional Consultations Pre & Postnatal Period The Body Ecology Diet The Digestive System The Essentials

Avoid Group B Strep+ During Pregnancy

Avoid Group B Strep+ During Pregnancy Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition Consultant for people regaining natural gut microbiome after yeast, bacterial, viral infections with The Body Ecology Diet.  Most pregnant women, myself included, aren’t prepared for a group B strep diagnosis. I know I wasn’t when my test came back positive at 38 weeks and I did […]

Birth Pre & Postnatal Period

Benefits of Delayed Cord Clamping

When baby is born, he only has 2/3 of his blood is in his body. The remaining 1/3 remains in his umbilical cord and placenta. This blood does not flow into baby until the last stage of labor. What is the last stage of labor? It is that period of time after baby is born until […]

babies Recipe

Homemade Baby Formula Recipe (dairy version)

Feeding your baby is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. No doubt that breast milk from a nourished mother is the best option for baby, yet this is not always possible. In this formula, milk is diluted with water and whey and supplemented with lactose, cod liver oil that gives it a similar nutrient profile to human milk.

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