If you get vaginal yeast infections more then you want one then I highly recommend The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.). I could go on and on about this way of eating as I personally adhered to stage 1 for 3 years back in 2010 after being diagnosed with a systemic yeast infection (included tons of […]
Tag: Body Ecology
Tips & Tricks to Make Young Green Coconut Kefir (yck) Tara Carpenter, NC. I’ve made young green coconut kefir (yck) for going on 12 years and moved through many learning curves. I can now whip up a batch of this probiotic drink in less time than I once did and with zero frustration. I hope […]
These sweet treats are specially created for those on The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D). This unique way of eating is known to help the body heal by reestablishing the inner ecosystem, eliminate dysbiosis, correct nutrient deficiencies, strengthen adrenals, and conquer systemic infections.
My Favorite Supplements on Body Ecology Diet Tara Carpenter, NC. Holistic nutrition for people healing with Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.). I found Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) in 2010 and love the yin and yang roots that make up the foundation of this healing way of eating; from the practice of food combining to the laid-back […]
Parsley Dressing Recipe
Parsley Dressing Recipe for The Body Ecology Diet Originally published on June 11, 2018. Tara Carpenter, NC. Holistic nutrition for digestion; specialized in yeast overgrowth. I could come up with a fancier name for this dressing, but will keep things simple as this recipe is rich enough to stand strong and proud on its own; […]
Candida, also known as Candidiasis or yeast overgrowth, is not a germ, a bug, or a disease. It is a serious immune disorder that gets its name from Candida albicans; a family of yeast that are the most common micro-flora organisms that live in human digestive tract. A healthy bowel contains a 10:1 bacteria to […]
Dandy Lion: A Green Vegetable Smoothie 🦁
Dandy Lion: A Green Vegetable Smoothie 🦁 Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutritional support worldwide for digestive wellness; especially yeast overgrowth and Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.). Originally published on April 4, 2018. My husband nicknamed this smoothie Dandy Lion and I think appropriate given the French origin of the word dandelion is “dents-de-lion” meaning “tooth of lion”, […]