As a Holistic Nutritionist for those with health issues, dietary restrictions, and/or on Body Ecology Diet (BED) …. this is a common question I get; mostly by women starting a new way of eating. Most people, women or men, don’t like the idea of quitting chocolate, no matter how big a health problem they have. […]
Tag: Candida Healing Diet
Candida, also known as Candidiasis or yeast overgrowth, is not a germ, a bug, or a disease. It is a serious immune disorder that gets its name from Candida albicans; a family of yeast that are the most common micro-flora organisms that live in human digestive tract. A healthy bowel contains a 10:1 bacteria to […]
Lemon Pudding & Pie 🍋 Tara Carpenter, NC. Nutrition Consultant specialized in helping people regain natural microbiome after yeast, bacterial, and viral infections. Originally published on December 16, 2017. I found this recipe on the verge of celebrating our first Thanksgiving on a healing protocol called Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.). After weeks of not eating refined […]
Thanksgiving Gravy, Savory & Starch-Free
Thanksgiving Gravy, Savory & Starch-Free Tara Carpenter, NC. Specialized in therapeutic nutrition for people regaining natural gut microbiome after yeast, bacterial, viral infections and people healing with Body Ecology Diet. Slather this savory, starch-free gravy over meat, mashed red-skin potatoes, or starch-free stuffing for a traditional comfort food and happy belly. Unlike most gravy, this one contains […]
Young green coconut kefir is made from the lightly sweet ‘water’ found inside a Thai baby coconut. You can also make a coconut pudding from the tender meat found in a Thai baby coconut. I have found best success with making both with Body Ecology’s starter*. The kefir and the pudding are digestive aids that […]
EcoBloom: A Prebiotic That Feeds Probiotics Tara Carpenter, NC. Holistic nutrition for digestion; specialized in yeast overgrowth. Originally published November 1, 2014 I discovered EcoBloom while on The Body Ecology Diet (B.E.D.) to heal a stubborn case of systemic yeast overgrowth. After reading Donna Gates’ book (see here) I realized this prebiotic fiber is ideal […]
Do unsalted, cultured vegetables cause botulism? Tara Carpenter, NC. Originally published on October 28, 2012 This is the question I get asked most in the unsalted cultured food workshops I teach. People tend to be stumped on how cultured vegetables will stay fresh and safe if they don’t contain salt. Unsalted cultured vegetables are new […]